Order 86 Clear Logo

Scroll down for more about the film.

SHOCKFEST Official Selection Laurel

Film Festivals

  • Kansas City Public Library Plaza Branch is hosting a special screening of Order 86 followed by a talk-back session with film creators Richard Buswell and Alex Paxton on Wednesday, May 18, 2022.  For more details, check the Library's facebook page here

Get it online

  • Rent or buy the HD Stereo version of the film from  Vimeo.

Get the DVD

  • Includes 5.1 Surround and Stereo options, the Cinemasochists Comic Commentary track, over 300 Behind the Scenes Photos, Alternate Ending, Movie Trailers, Posters and Invisible FX webisodes.

Order 86 Book Cover

Read the novelization

  • For sale at Amazon.com in Kindle and Paperback format
  • A different set of surprises from the film!

Read the Reviews

Scroll down for more about the film.

Order 86 Movie Poster 

Order 86


A two hour journey through the day and night of an actress (waitress) who unknowingly comes into possession of a computer virus that could wipe out the world's technology.

When the intelligence community from every nation comes after her, she will have no idea who to trust or where to turn. Will she survive?


Starring Laurie Catherine Winkel and Coleman Crenshaw.


Order 86 is an original spy thriller brought to you by the geniuses at Merry BanD Productions.

We are currently negotiating with various theaters for distribution of this film.  Thanks to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, we have to be much more creative in our efforts.  If you or someone you know has a theater in need of something other than reruns of older films to satisfy their audience, please have them contact us.

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